Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm alive!

Whoa, it's been awhile.  I told myself that since this is a new year and all, I would try to do my very best to keep my blog updated on at least a weekly basis.  It's now the 15th and it just dawned on me that I hadn't so much as even attempted a post.  Yikes.  So much for dedication.

As of today, Adam and I have officially joined our church (linked if you're interested.)  We feel so very fortunate to have found a wonderful group of families to do life with.  The boys are getting involved in Awana (a little late, primarily because I didn't usually get off of work until 5pm, and having them to church by 6 was a nightmare until recently when we discovered a new gameplan and I am now off at 4pm) and Adam and I are very much getting into scripture and discussing what we read with each other at home.  We take heart in knowing that our children see us studying the Bible together, talking about what we read, and encouraging them to do the same, and most importantly, living what we read and demonstrating it for all to see.  Many times, Coop and Noah will bring their Beginnner's Bible to us and ask us to read them a few pages from it.  That really warms a mama's heart!

One of the most wonderful things about this church (in addition to the fantastic people who attend and teach there!) is how technologically advanced they are.  The website has online podcasts of the Sunday teachings (just in case you missed one or two, you won't get behind) along with discussion questions you are encouraged to review with your family/small group.  During worship, a projector displays lyrics to songs played during the music service.  I love, love, love the music.  Here's a link to my all time favorite worship songs.  Well, two of them.  It's a tie and I couldn't decide, really. 

This is my favorite song that we sing at church.  I am a HUGE Hillsong United fan!

And this is my other favorite.  Brooke Fraser is the soloist.

Oh!  And this one.  Gosh, I love these songs.

Things at work are pretty much the same; I have stumbled across another possible job opportunity and may be making a career change, if it's what's planned for me.  I am just anxious to be used more and to make a positive impact in my community.  I feel a strong pull toward working with children and teenagers; really hoping that I can be used in this capacity.  Adam and I have talked about it and prayed about it a lot and though it would certainly mean a pay cut, we feel it will be worth it.  Here's hoping!  :) 

My grandfather is in the hospital this week.  He had a metastic tumor removed from his right motor strip in his brain last November.  The surgery was a success but he has not regained much movement on his left side as a result of the tumor.  We would have never known the tumor was there, had it not been for his decreased mobility on the left side.  We initially thought it was a stroke or something.  He stayed in the hospital until Christmas Eve and was released and though he is largely unable to really care for himself, we honored his wishes to bring him home from the hospital.  Adam has been a godsend this last month; he would go down in the middle of the night to help Grandpa off and on the toilet and to help him clean up, in addition to spending most days with him and helping him with food/cleaning himself/dressing. 

Last Tuesday, Grandpa was experiencing some chest pain so Adam (with Cooper in tow) took him to the ER.  His enzymes were positive for having had a heart attack so he was sent via ambulance to Tallahassee because they have a nice cardiac unit there.  He definitely had a heart attack and this will slow him down even more on his road to recovery.  He is very emotional and is convinced that he is dying.  We try to tell him to stay positive but he cries and tells us how much he loves us and breaks our hearts all the while.  It is so hard to watch the one person you thought was invinceable become so frail and afraid.  He talks often of being hopeful that he will one day see my grandmother again.  Our main concern right now is for his comfort and peace -- we know that God's will is perfect, even though we may not always understand why these things happen to people.  I am eager to go see him tomorrow at the hospital.  It's a holiday, so no worries about missing work!  :) 

Also worth mentioning, I joined the Afghan Block of the Month Club at my local yarn shop.  Each month, I will receive two patterns and two skeins of yarn to create two 13 inch blocks to ultimately be sewn together at the end of the year to make a huge cuddly afghan!  So that's where I am, knitting wise.  About halfway through my first block of the month and ready to start the next one after that!

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